Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Updated my blog name, layout, URL, etc etc. I wish I could get a site... :/

Anyways, today we had a bomb threat so I'm home early. It was kind of awkward... and cold. Haha. I've been drawing and painting a lot lately, too. Here's some stuff I personally like.

You can still keep up to date at Punaji, as well.

Along with that, here's some pixels!

But yeah, that's basically it. Indoor soccer starts Saturday and I can't wait. 


SengirDev said...

Dex draws naked men but not naked women?

Adam said...

i draw more male anatomical studies than female, that's for sure, but that's because i'm more of a fan of michelangelo's stuff and drawing muscle structures and the like. you can't draw buff women without it looking weird, eh?